ATmega8A microcontroller programming with spare Arduino uno.

The ATmega8A microcontroller can be programmed using an Arduino Uno board as an In-System Programmer (ISP). To do so, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Arduino Uno to your computer via USB cable.
  2. Open the Arduino IDE and select the “Arduino as ISP” example sketch from the File > Examples > 11.ArduinoISP menu.
  3. Upload the sketch to the Arduino Uno board.
  4. Connect the ATmega8A to the Arduino Uno board as follows:
    • Pin (RESET) of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin 10 of the Arduino Uno board.
    • Pin 11 of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin 11 of the Arduino Uno board.
    • Pin 12 of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin 12 of the Arduino Uno board.
    • Pin 13 of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin 13 of the Arduino Uno board.
    • Pin 5V of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin 5V of the Arduino Uno board.
    • Pin Gnd of the ATmega8A-Uno to pin Gnd of the Arduino Uno board.
  5. In the Arduino IDE, select the ATmega8A microcontroller from the Tools > Board menu and the “Arduino as ISP” programmer from the Tools > Programmer menu.
  6. Select the appropriate serial port from the Tools > Port menu.
  7. Write your program in the Arduino IDE and click on the “Upload Using Programmer” option to program the ATmega8A microcontroller.

Note that the fuse settings for the ATmega8A need to be configured correctly before programming. You can use the “Burn Bootloader” option in the Arduino IDE to set the fuse settings to their default values. Also, make sure to disconnect the ATmega8A from the Arduino Uno board before connecting it to your target circuit.

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