GRBL Post processor for Solidworks Cam

Working GRBL post-processor for Solidworks Cam is mess. There is not an option like Fusion 360 out of the box GRBL support. There are some generic postprocessors for Solidworks but none seemed to support exactly the post processing options and syntax GRBL understands. Though we have options of few GRBL post processors in GITHUB & Google. But there are some flaws and we have to tweak our codes before fetching them in the machine. As such, I embarked on writing my own post-processor for Solidworks cam.
If you too want to indulge yourself in post-processor development then download free “Universal Post Generator” from Camworks who provides the CAM functionality for Solidworks. This can be found here:
I used this tool to edit a Postprocessor from scratch and compile it into GRBL specific. Note, this was not very straight forward and resulted in several trial and error until I got it close enough.
Be cautious before chipping and crashing machine, We can check our generated GRBL code for any errors online by copy-pasting code to
This gives us nice idea of our code how well it perform on our GRBL controller. If all well, “lets fly chips”.
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